Arthroscopy Instruments
Probe / Curette / File / Knife / Meniscotome
EndoMed Systems arthroscopy instruments with triangle handle are made of medical grade stainless steel and are autoclavable, triangle handle instruments are available in different models as follows:
- Banana Knife Serrated
- Banana Knife Smooth
- Bayonet Knife
- Cartilage File fine
- Hook Knife
- Knife 45° angled
- Meniscus Probe
- Meniscus Probe
For further details please refer to our arthroscopy catalogue.
- Ring curette
- Rosette Knife
- Scalpel Knife
- Sickle Knife
- Smilie Meniscotome
- Smillie Meniscotome 60° Left
- Smillie Meniscotome 60° Right
- Spoon